When we face uncertain times the necessity of helping others without the knowledge of what is ahead demands a leadership style and approach that is exceptional.
The Master Coach Model creates a Learning Leader mindset which is the best possible approach in a rapidly changing and uncertain world. In this practical, quick read book I have communicated the essence of the coaching mindset that "pulls, not pushes" the solution; "asks, not answers" the problems and "listens, not lectures" the one closest to the issue who should be doing the solving, answering and learning. Lately this text has become popular again, so if you have read it, please recommend it or send it to each of your managers, parents or other leaders who must now learn faster, manage more, and motivate at a higher level than ever before. What are you doing to move your leaders or your employees currently? Would this small book be a step, a game changer and would it get your team on the same page? The reviews are strong due the practical nature, tips and metaphors that make the coaching.... not only memorable, but unforgettable. |
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From the book "The Master Coach Model":
The Master Coach Model was derived from an ancient example, one that has proved strong through the test of time. This ancient model has never been more relevant than it is today. The model can be seen as early as the Garden of Eden, through the Greek ear in Socrates and then in the Roman times through the example of Christ. These examples of the Master Coach model were clearly used in the voices of those who were wise, who knew many if not all of the answers, but still chose the coach approach of the question. Questions frame, pull, develop ideas. They challenge the one who should be doing the thinking and solving... and this same one is usually the one who must be tasked with doing the solving and putting the solution into action. What better way than approaching the situation with questions?
Questions are powerful. They are often simple, short and somewhat obvious, but still need to be asked. Why? Because the one answering should actually articulate, come to the complete idea when the one actually is heard, and holds the solution.... it is only then that their minds elevate, and so often pause...then say, ...." and you know what else we could do, ....I have not thought about this until now, but the real issue is..." and then they shift to the originator, owner and they "buy in". This is motivation, and too often the missing motivation that will change behavior, "move the needle" to a new idea and actually result in some sustained action and results.
The more "top down" approach to managing and parenting is seen in the leader maybe asking one or two questions, then caving to simply lecture, explain or direct the follower. While this seems useful, it rarely is. Have you ever said... "why do I have to keep telling them the same thing?" or "If I have to say this one more time.... " or "why am i doing or saying this again for this isn't even my problem to solve is it?"
What is waiting for you in the Master Coach Model are three easy steps, the first and third are obvious, but the challenge is in the overall mindset, the decision to Pull and not Push, and the commitment to stay in the coach approach until there is movement... or to take one of the coaching tips to buy a bit of time. However, to stay in the curious exploration mentality, focused on the coachee and the patience to see the moment, the turn, the amazing AHA, when the coachee says to you, "hey I have it" and then thank you for the help. The true help from the sage leader, the ancient model is to help without solving and to frame until the coachee comes to some new ideas, understanding or action plan....
You are there, you have indeed helped, and maybe you have helped more than you know, for this type of help, changes the game, the result, the motivation and thus the life... for you have now given the coachee not only a fish, but a lesson on fishing, and they will be able to ultimately fish for a lifetime.
The keys and ideas are found in these 85 pages, complete with some examples of metaphors that make the learning much more memorable and teaches you how to pull illustrations from the coachee on the spot that will resonate and remind them of the learning.... as said above, not just short term recall but unforgettable retention.
If this interests you, click on the link- buy one copy of Master Coach Model or a pack of 10 (discount one free) for your team and watch yourself grow and the others learn how to use questions like Christ, Socrates or ..... even right from the Garden!
If you buy from us at Leadership Systems Inc. we will include another document: The complete list of Questions asked by the Master, throughout the entire Bible. These are collected, categorized in the way each question was used and the responses to those questions recorded for you. This is the result of a Doctoral Dissertation and has been the most requested document over the past 33 years since its development. You will see how the Master was creative in his questions, seemingly curious and how he strategically and consistently stood in the right mindset, using the powerful question until the listener moved or reaffirmed his or her position... Communication has never been seen more powerfully, and with the appropriate mixture of care and confidence, this Master Coach Model shows how this approach can be your approach.
The Master Coach Model was derived from an ancient example, one that has proved strong through the test of time. This ancient model has never been more relevant than it is today. The model can be seen as early as the Garden of Eden, through the Greek ear in Socrates and then in the Roman times through the example of Christ. These examples of the Master Coach model were clearly used in the voices of those who were wise, who knew many if not all of the answers, but still chose the coach approach of the question. Questions frame, pull, develop ideas. They challenge the one who should be doing the thinking and solving... and this same one is usually the one who must be tasked with doing the solving and putting the solution into action. What better way than approaching the situation with questions?
Questions are powerful. They are often simple, short and somewhat obvious, but still need to be asked. Why? Because the one answering should actually articulate, come to the complete idea when the one actually is heard, and holds the solution.... it is only then that their minds elevate, and so often pause...then say, ...." and you know what else we could do, ....I have not thought about this until now, but the real issue is..." and then they shift to the originator, owner and they "buy in". This is motivation, and too often the missing motivation that will change behavior, "move the needle" to a new idea and actually result in some sustained action and results.
The more "top down" approach to managing and parenting is seen in the leader maybe asking one or two questions, then caving to simply lecture, explain or direct the follower. While this seems useful, it rarely is. Have you ever said... "why do I have to keep telling them the same thing?" or "If I have to say this one more time.... " or "why am i doing or saying this again for this isn't even my problem to solve is it?"
What is waiting for you in the Master Coach Model are three easy steps, the first and third are obvious, but the challenge is in the overall mindset, the decision to Pull and not Push, and the commitment to stay in the coach approach until there is movement... or to take one of the coaching tips to buy a bit of time. However, to stay in the curious exploration mentality, focused on the coachee and the patience to see the moment, the turn, the amazing AHA, when the coachee says to you, "hey I have it" and then thank you for the help. The true help from the sage leader, the ancient model is to help without solving and to frame until the coachee comes to some new ideas, understanding or action plan....
You are there, you have indeed helped, and maybe you have helped more than you know, for this type of help, changes the game, the result, the motivation and thus the life... for you have now given the coachee not only a fish, but a lesson on fishing, and they will be able to ultimately fish for a lifetime.
The keys and ideas are found in these 85 pages, complete with some examples of metaphors that make the learning much more memorable and teaches you how to pull illustrations from the coachee on the spot that will resonate and remind them of the learning.... as said above, not just short term recall but unforgettable retention.
If this interests you, click on the link- buy one copy of Master Coach Model or a pack of 10 (discount one free) for your team and watch yourself grow and the others learn how to use questions like Christ, Socrates or ..... even right from the Garden!
If you buy from us at Leadership Systems Inc. we will include another document: The complete list of Questions asked by the Master, throughout the entire Bible. These are collected, categorized in the way each question was used and the responses to those questions recorded for you. This is the result of a Doctoral Dissertation and has been the most requested document over the past 33 years since its development. You will see how the Master was creative in his questions, seemingly curious and how he strategically and consistently stood in the right mindset, using the powerful question until the listener moved or reaffirmed his or her position... Communication has never been seen more powerfully, and with the appropriate mixture of care and confidence, this Master Coach Model shows how this approach can be your approach.